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compopt: Print the completion options for given command.
$ compopt ${command}
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The command "compopt ${command}" is used in a Unix-like environment to configure or manipulate completion options for a specific command in the command-line shell.

In most Unix-like shells, such as Bash, completion is a feature that allows you to automatically complete or suggest possible options, filenames, or commands while typing on the command line. The "compopt" command is used to modify the behavior of this completion feature for a given command.

The "${command}" placeholder in the "compopt ${command}" syntax is replaced with the name of the command for which you want to modify completion options.

Here are a few examples to help understand the usage:

  1. To disable file completion for the "ls" command: compopt -o nofilecomp ls

  2. To enable case-insensitive completion for the "grep" command: compopt -o nocaseglob grep

  3. To ignore the case while completing options for the "tar" command: compopt -o ignore_case tar

In these examples, the "compopt" command is used to modify completion options for specific commands ("-o" specifies the option to set). This allows the user to customize how completion behaves for a particular command, providing a more efficient and tailored experience when interacting with the shell.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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