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conda-create: Make exact copy of an environment.
$ conda create --clone ${py39} --name ${py39-copy}
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This command is using the Conda package manager to create a new Conda environment called ${py39-copy} as a clone of an existing environment called ${py39}.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • conda create: This is the command to create a new Conda environment.
  • --clone ${py39}: This option tells Conda to create the new environment as a clone of the existing environment ${py39}. It copies all the installed packages and dependencies from ${py39} to the new environment.
  • --name ${py39-copy}: This option specifies the name of the new environment, which is ${py39-copy}. It allows you to provide a custom name for the cloned environment.

Overall, this command creates a new Conda environment called ${py39-copy}, which is an exact copy of the ${py39} environment, including all installed packages and dependencies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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