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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool conda. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


conda is a popular open-source package management system and environment management system for installing and managing software packages and dependencies. It is mainly used in the Python data science community and helps simplify the process of managing different software packages and their associated requirements.

Some key features and functionalities of conda include:

  1. Package management: Conda allows users to easily install, update, and remove software packages from various sources, including the Anaconda Repository, Anaconda Cloud, and popular package repositories like PyPI (Python Package Index).

  2. Dependency management: Conda automatically handles package dependencies, ensuring that installing or updating a package doesn't break compatibility with other installed packages. It manages conflicts and versions effectively to maintain a consistent environment.

  3. Environment management: With conda, users can create isolated environments to separate different projects and their dependencies. This enables users to have different configurations and package versions for different projects, avoiding conflicts and ensuring reproducibility.

  4. Cross-platform compatibility: Conda is designed to work on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It allows users to easily share environments across different machines, ensuring consistent behavior.

  5. Support for multiple programming languages: Although commonly used within the Python ecosystem, conda also supports other programming languages like R, Julia, and C/C++, making it a versatile tool for managing dependencies across different projects.

Overall, conda simplifies the process of managing software packages and environments, making it easier to set up and maintain reproducible and reliable development environments for data science and other scientific computing tasks.

List of commands for conda:

  • conda-create:tldr:3b2c3 conda-create: Create a new environment with a specified name and install a given package.
    $ conda create --name ${env_name} ${package_name}
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  • conda-create:tldr:5a6d9 conda-create: Create a new environment named `py39`, and install Python 3.9 and NumPy v1.11 or above in it.
    $ conda create --yes --name ${py39} python=${3-9} "${numpy>=1-11}"
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  • conda-create:tldr:8b8d8 conda-create: Make exact copy of an environment.
    $ conda create --clone ${py39} --name ${py39-copy}
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  • conda:tldr:45453 conda: Delete an environment (remove all packages).
    $ conda remove --name ${environment_name} --all
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  • conda:tldr:58386 conda: Load an environment.
    $ conda activate ${environment_name}
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  • conda:tldr:892c2 conda: List currently installed packages in current environment.
    $ conda list
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  • conda:tldr:93b0a conda: Delete unused packages and caches.
    $ conda clean --all
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  • conda:tldr:b5d8f conda: Unload an environment.
    $ conda deactivate
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  • conda:tldr:e8081 conda: Install packages into the current environment.
    $ conda install ${python=3-4 numpy}
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  • conda:tldr:f53b7 conda: List all environments.
    $ conda info --envs
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