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consul: Check the Consul version.
$ consul --version
try on your machine

The command "consul --version" is used to retrieve the version information of the Consul software that is installed on your system.

Consul is a distributed service mesh and key-value store, commonly used for service discovery, service segmentation, and configuring distributed systems. It helps in the management of services and allows them to communicate with each other in a secure and reliable manner.

When you run the "consul --version" command, it will display the version number of the Consul software that is installed on your system. This information can be helpful when troubleshooting or verifying compatibility with other software components.

The output of the command will typically include the Consul version number, followed by additional information such as the build date and the commit hash of the codebase used to build the software. It may also display the name of the distribution package or binary file that was used to install Consul.

Overall, the "consul --version" command provides a quick and convenient way to check the version of Consul installed on your system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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