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corepack: Use a package manager without installing it as a global command.
$ corepack ${select} ${package_manager_arguments}
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The command corepack ${select} ${package_manager_arguments} is likely used in a context where "corepack" is an executable program or script. Let's break down the command:

  1. ${select}: This is a placeholder or variable that should be replaced with the desired package(s) to be selected or operated upon. It could be a specific package name or a wildcard pattern to select multiple packages. For example, if you want to select the package "my-package", you would replace ${select} with "my-package".

  2. ${package_manager_arguments}: Similar to ${select}, this is another placeholder or variable that should be replaced with the specific arguments or options required by the package manager being used. Package managers such as apt, yum, pacman, or others may have their unique set of arguments for managing packages. You would replace ${package_manager_arguments} with the appropriate arguments for your package manager.

By running this command with the appropriate values, it should perform some action related to package management, such as installing, upgrading, removing, or otherwise manipulating packages using the package manager specified within the "corepack" program or script.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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