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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool corepack. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Corepack is a command line tool that is used to manage NuGet packages in .NET Core applications. It provides functionality to install, update, and remove NuGet packages from a project's dependencies. Corepack simplifies the process of managing packages by allowing developers to easily add or remove dependencies via the command line, without the need for manually editing project files.

Some key features of Corepack include:

  1. Dependency management: Corepack makes it straightforward to add, update, and remove NuGet packages from a project. It handles dependency resolution and automatically updates the project file with the appropriate package references.

  2. Seamless integration: Corepack is designed to integrate seamlessly with the .NET Core CLI (Command Line Interface) tools. This allows developers to seamlessly work with Corepack alongside other CLI commands, workflows, and build scripts.

  3. Version control friendly: By managing packages through Corepack, developers can keep their project files clean and uncluttered. Package references are stored in dedicated files, making it easier to version control and collaborate on projects.

  4. Cross-platform support: Corepack supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This allows developers to use the same tool across different platforms and ensures consistent package management.

Overall, Corepack simplifies the management of NuGet packages, providing an efficient and convenient way for developers to handle dependencies in their .NET Core applications via the command line.

List of commands for corepack:

  • corepack:tldr:3c05c corepack: Remove the Corepack shims from the Node.js installation directory.
    $ corepack disable
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  • corepack:tldr:4e1be corepack: Install a package manager from the specified archive.
    $ corepack hydrate ${path-to-corepack-tgz}
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  • corepack:tldr:4f8d2 corepack: Use a package manager without installing it as a global command.
    $ corepack ${select} ${package_manager_arguments}
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  • corepack:tldr:56df3 corepack: Add the Corepack shims to a specific directory.
    $ corepack enable --install-directory ${path-to-directory}
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  • corepack:tldr:5ef56 corepack: Prepare the package manager configured for the project in the current path.
    $ corepack prepare
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  • corepack:tldr:6a518 corepack: Prepare a specific package manager.
    $ corepack prepare ${package_manager}@${version} --activate
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  • corepack:tldr:9cedb corepack: Add the Corepack shims to the Node.js installation directory to make them available as global commands.
    $ corepack enable
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  • corepack:tldr:d5912 corepack: Display help for a subcommand.
    $ corepack ${subcommand} --help
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tool overview