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Optimize CosmWasm Project (Apple ARM Chips)
$ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry cosmwasm/rust-optimizer-arm64:0.12.8
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This command is using the Docker command-line tool to run a container with the specified image and configuration options. Let's break down the individual parts of the command:

  • docker run: This is the main command that tells Docker to run a container.

  • --rm: This option tells Docker to automatically remove the container when it exits. This helps in cleaning up after the container finishes running.

  • -v "$(pwd)":/code: This option creates a bind mount volume inside the container. It maps the current working directory ($(pwd)) on the host machine to the /code directory inside the container. This allows files to be shared between the host and the container.

  • --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target: This option creates another bind mount volume that maps a specific directory on the host machine to the /code/target directory inside the container. The source of the volume is dynamically generated by using $(basename "$(pwd)")_cache, which takes the base name of the current working directory and appends _cache. This helps in creating a unique volume for each project.

  • --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry: This option creates a separate volume for caching Rust package registry data. It maps the registry_cache volume on the host machine to the /usr/local/cargo/registry directory inside the container. This helps in speeding up subsequent builds by reusing the downloaded packages.

  • cosmwasm/rust-optimizer-arm64:0.12.8: This is the name and version tag of the Docker image that will be used to run the container. In this case, it's using the cosmwasm/rust-optimizer-arm64 image with version 0.12.8.

Overall, this command runs a Docker container with the specified image, sets up bind mount volumes for sharing code and caching in both the host and the container, and uses the cosmwasm/rust-optimizer-arm64:0.12.8 image to run the container.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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