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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool docker. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Docker is a platform designed to help developers build, share, and run modern applications. We handle the tedious setup, so you can focus on the code.

List of commands for docker:

  • aws-ecr:tldr:59707 aws-ecr: Tag a local image for ECR.
    $ docker tag ${container_name}:${tag} ${aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${region}${container_name}:${tag}
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  • aws-ecr:tldr:95f5a aws-ecr: Pull an image from a repository.
    $ docker pull ${aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${region}${container_name}:${tag}
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  • aws-ecr:tldr:e9a14 aws-ecr: Push an image to a repository.
    $ docker push ${aws_account_id}.dkr.ecr.${region}${container_name}:${tag}
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  • cosmwasm:warp:19985957919e3110063e6a142d89d6be Optimize CosmWasm Project (Apple ARM Chips)
    $ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry cosmwasm/rust-optimizer-arm64:0.12.8
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  • cosmwasm:warp:978ac763cc4338205e2137c706ff6e6b Optimize CosmWasm Workspace Project (Apple ARM Chips)
    $ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer-arm64:0.12.8
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  • cosmwasm:warp:f04e0cdb37edb331608c0c6a5867e447 Optimize CosmWasm Workspace Project
    $ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:0.12.10
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  • cosmwasm:warp:f22b899640bf0183da8a1c98773c1bc1 Optimize CosmWasm Project
    $ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.12.12
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  • docker:commit:help docker: Display help.
    $ docker commit --help
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  • docker:container:copy-file Copy a file from a Docker container to the current host
    $ docker cp ${container_id}:${container_filepath} ${local_filepath}
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  • docker:container:ssh Starting a shell/bash inside a docker container (login).
    $ docker exec -it ${docker_name} ${bin}
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  • docker:containers:show:all List all docker containers (running and stopped).
    $ docker ps --all
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  • docker:environment:list-variables List environment variables from a Docker container
    $ docker exec container env
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  • docker:prune:all Remove all stopped docker container, image and volumes
    $ docker system prune --all -f && docker volume prune -f
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  • docker:pull:help docker: Display help.
    $ docker pull --help
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  • docker:remove-stopped Remove all stopped Docker containers
    $ docker container prune
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  • docker:script:run Run a script inside a docker container using a shell script
    $ docker exec ${container_id} ${filepath_in_container}
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  • docker:tldr:00d67 docker: Remove a stopped container.
    $ docker rm ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:02695 docker: Start one or more stopped containers.
    $ docker container start ${container1_name} ${container2_name}
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  • docker:tldr:02cc7 docker: Change the columns format to display container's CPU usage percentage.
    $ docker stats --format "${-Name}:\t${-CPUPerc}"
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  • docker:tldr:08cc4 docker: Display statistics for all containers (both running and stopped).
    $ docker stats --all
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  • docker:tldr:0b1a6 docker: Filter containers that share a given image as an ancestor.
    $ docker ps --filter "ancestor=${image}:${tag}"
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  • docker:tldr:0b82c docker: Run command in a new container with published ports.
    $ docker run --publish ${host_port}:${container_port} ${image} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:0bdca docker: Stop and remove all containers, networks, images, and volumes.
    $ docker compose down --rmi all --volumes
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  • docker:tldr:0d971 docker: Display a live stream for the statistics of all running containers.
    $ docker stats
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  • docker:tldr:169c1 docker: Update restart policy to apply when a specific container exits.
    $ docker update --restart=${select} ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:17cc4 docker: List all available and configured networks on docker daemon.
    $ docker network ls
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  • docker:tldr:191b3 docker: Display detailed information of a space-separated list of networks.
    $ docker network inspect ${network_name}
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  • docker:tldr:1adac docker: Show help.
    $ docker start
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  • docker:tldr:1bc89 docker: Run command in a new container in background and display its ID.
    $ docker run --detach ${image} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:22c77 docker: Show help.
    $ docker system
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  • docker:tldr:25cd9 docker: Assign a name and tag to a specific image ID.
    $ docker tag ${id} ${name}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:2f3a6 docker: Run command in a one-off container in interactive mode and pseudo-TTY.
    $ docker run --rm --interactive --tty ${image} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:30858 docker: Download a Docker images for a specific platform, e.g. linux/amd64.
    $ docker pull --platform ${linux-amd64} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:312b8 docker: Update the amount of memory in [M]egabytes a specific container can swap to disk (use `-1` for unlimited).
    $ docker update --memory-swap ${limit}M ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:3162c docker: Remove a space-separated list of services.
    $ docker service rm ${select}
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  • docker:tldr:3174d docker: Remove all unused (not referenced by any container) networks.
    $ docker network prune
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  • docker:tldr:33063 docker: Display information about a container, image, or volume using a name or ID.
    $ docker inspect ${select}
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  • docker:tldr:3690a docker: Enter an interactive shell session on an already-running container.
    $ docker exec --interactive --tty ${container_name} ${-bin-bash}
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  • docker:tldr:37d17 docker: Build a docker image using a specific Dockerfile.
    $ docker build --file ${Dockerfile} .
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  • docker:tldr:37ecf docker: Filter containers that contain a substring in their name.
    $ docker ps --filter="name=${name}"
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  • docker:tldr:382db docker: Run command in a new container overwriting the entrypoint of the image.
    $ docker run --entrypoint ${command} ${image}
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  • docker:tldr:39f57 docker: Assign a tag to a specific image.
    $ docker tag ${image}:${current_tag} ${image}:${new_tag}
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  • docker:tldr:3a187 docker: Display information about a volume.
    $ docker volume inspect ${volume_name}
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  • docker:tldr:3d1e7 docker: Filter containers by exit status code.
    $ docker ps --all --filter="exited=${code}"
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  • docker:tldr:41f1e docker: Update the policy to restart up to three times a specific container when it exits with non-zero exit status.
    $ docker update --restart=on-failure:3 ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:467a5 docker: Show the history of a local Docker image.
    $ docker image history ${image}
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  • docker:tldr:4874b docker: Display the path to the container's log file.
    $ docker inspect --format='${-LogPath}' ${container}
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  • docker:tldr:4a0a1 docker: Create a volume.
    $ docker volume create ${volume_name}
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  • docker:tldr:4ba83 docker: Fetch and follow the logs of a container.
    $ docker logs -f ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:4d45a docker: Create and start all containers in the background using a `docker-compose.yml` file from the current directory.
    $ docker compose up --detach
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  • docker:tldr:4dc26 docker: Create a new service.
    $ docker service create --name ${service_name} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:4df73 docker: List all running containers.
    $ docker compose ps
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  • docker:tldr:4ee16 docker: Display the current CA certificate in PEM format.
    $ docker swarm ca
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  • docker:tldr:4f97e docker: Display detailed information on one or more containers.
    $ docker container inspect ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:50232 docker: Show help.
    $ docker inspect
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  • docker:tldr:54080 docker: List the tasks of a space-separated list of services.
    $ docker service ps ${select}
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  • docker:tldr:553a5 docker: Run command in a new container with passed environment variables.
    $ docker run --env '${variable}=${value}' --env ${variable} ${image} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:557ad docker: Print logs from a certain point in time of container execution (i.e. 23m, 10s, 2013-01-02T13:23:37).
    $ docker logs ${container_name} --until ${time}
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  • docker:tldr:55a3e docker: Delete unused local Docker images.
    $ docker image prune
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  • docker:tldr:56382 docker: Log into a registry with username and password.
    $ docker login --username ${username} --password ${password} ${server}
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  • docker:tldr:57231 docker: Rotate the current CA certificate and display the new certificate.
    $ docker swarm ca --rotate
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  • docker:tldr:57696 docker: Filter containers by status (created, running, removing, paused, exited and dead).
    $ docker ps --filter="status=${status}"
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  • docker:tldr:5ec1d List all currently running Docker containers.
    $ docker ps
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  • docker:tldr:5f92a docker: Remove an image without deleting untagged parents.
    $ docker rmi --no-prune ${image}
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  • docker:tldr:61cde docker: List all volumes.
    $ docker volume ls
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  • docker:tldr:64901 docker: Display detailed information of a space-separated list of services.
    $ docker service inspect ${select}
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  • docker:tldr:677cc docker: Create a new image from a container's changes.
    $ docker container commit ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:684f3 docker: Create an image without pausing the container during commit.
    $ docker commit --pause=${false} ${container} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:6d918 docker: Create a user-defined network.
    $ docker network create --driver ${driver_name} ${network_name}
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  • docker:tldr:6e96c docker: Download a specific Docker image.
    $ docker pull ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:71ddb docker: Start a container, attaching `stdout` and `stderr` and forwarding signals.
    $ docker start --attach ${container}
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  • docker:tldr:72bb9 docker: Stop one or more running containers.
    $ docker container stop ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:73c0d docker: List the output in quiet mode (only numeric IDs).
    $ docker images --quiet
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  • docker:tldr:75727 docker: Remove a worker from the swarm (run inside the worker node).
    $ docker swarm leave
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  • docker:tldr:76c5f docker: Save an image by redirecting `stdout` to a tar archive.
    $ docker save ${image}:${tag} > ${filename-tar}
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  • docker:tldr:7af99 docker: Build a docker image from a Dockerfile at a specified URL.
    $ docker build ${github-com-creack-docker-firefox}
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  • docker:tldr:7b7be docker: Run a command as a specific user.
    $ docker exec --user ${user} ${container_name} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:7e3ca docker: Run command in a new container from a tagged image.
    $ docker run ${image:tag} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:7f82d docker: Do not use the cache when building the image.
    $ docker build --no-cache --tag ${name:tag} .
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  • docker:tldr:800e3 docker: Build a docker image using the Dockerfile in the current directory.
    $ docker build .
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  • docker:tldr:82b06 docker: List all Docker images not used by any container.
    $ docker images --filter dangling=true
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  • docker:tldr:82bee docker: Remove unused data.
    $ docker system prune
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  • docker:tldr:82c0f docker: Show detailed information on disk usage.
    $ docker system df --verbose
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  • docker:tldr:83142 docker: Build with custom build-time variables.
    $ docker build --build-arg ${HTTP_PROXY=http:--10-20-30-2:1234} --build-arg ${FTP_PROXY=http:--40-50-60-5:4567} .
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  • docker:tldr:84f50 docker: Remove a space-separated list of unused networks.
    $ docker network rm ${network_name}
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  • docker:tldr:87e2b docker: Select the working directory for a given command to execute into.
    $ docker exec --interactive -tty --workdir ${path-to-directory} ${container_name} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:89906 docker: Kill one or more running containers.
    $ docker container kill ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:8a727 docker: Run command in a new container connecting it to a network.
    $ docker run --network ${network} ${image}
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  • docker:tldr:8ac9b docker: Scale to a specific number of replicas for a space-separated list of services.
    $ docker service scale ${service_name}=${count_of_replicas}
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  • docker:tldr:8c327 docker: Load a Docker image from a specific file.
    $ docker load --input ${path-to-image_file-tar}
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  • docker:tldr:8d86b docker: Initialize a swarm cluster.
    $ docker swarm init
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  • docker:tldr:8f13c docker: Create an image with a specific comment in the metadata.
    $ docker commit --message="${comment}" ${container} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:91514 docker: Disable streaming stats and only pull the current stats.
    $ docker stats --no-stream
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  • docker:tldr:92128 docker: Create a `tmpfs` volume a size of 100 MiB and an uid of 1000.
    $ docker volume create --opt ${type}=${tmpfs} --opt ${device}=${tmpfs} --opt ${o}=${size=100m,uid=1000} ${volume_name}
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  • docker:tldr:923d5 docker: Display real-time events from containers streamed as valid JSON Lines.
    $ docker system events --filter 'type=container' --format '${json -}'
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  • docker:tldr:9277f docker: Display help.
    $ docker tag
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  • docker:tldr:9477c docker: Remove one or more secrets.
    $ docker secret rm ${secret_name1 secret_name2 ---}
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  • docker:tldr:947dc docker: Display the token to join a manager or a worker.
    $ docker swarm join-token ${select}
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  • docker:tldr:95485 docker: Display the list of already downloaded images.
    $ docker images
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  • docker:tldr:962e9 docker: Start a docker container.
    $ docker start ${container}
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  • docker:tldr:97aa6 docker: Display system-wide information.
    $ docker system info
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  • docker:tldr:9c5f9 docker: Show help.
    $ docker rmi
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  • docker:tldr:9d2eb docker: Remove unused data created more than a specified amount of time in the past.
    $ docker system prune --filter="until=${hours}h${minutes}m"
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  • docker:tldr:a08ee docker: Remove all unused local volumes.
    $ docker volume prune
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  • docker:tldr:a0a1f docker: Filter containers that mount a specific volume or have a volume mounted in a specific path.
    $ docker ps --filter="volume=${path-to-directory}" --format "table ${-ID}\t${-Image}\t${-Names}\t${-Mounts}"
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  • docker:tldr:a1753 docker: Create an image from a specific container.
    $ docker commit ${container} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:a5d22 docker: List the services on a docker daemon.
    $ docker service ls
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  • docker:tldr:a6008 docker: Follow logs for all containers.
    $ docker compose logs --follow
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  • docker:tldr:a75ab docker: Pause all processes within one or more containers.
    $ docker container pause ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:a99e7 docker: Start a container from an image, with a custom name.
    $ docker run --name ${container_name} ${image}
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  • docker:tldr:aa873 docker: Stop all running containers.
    $ docker compose stop
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  • docker:tldr:ab862 docker: Load a Docker image from `stdin`.
    $ docker load < ${path-to-image_file-tar}
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  • docker:tldr:ae86a docker: List local Docker images.
    $ docker image ls
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  • docker:tldr:af079 docker: Show the latest created container (includes all states).
    $ docker ps --latest
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  • docker:tldr:b0bab docker: List currently running Docker containers.
    $ docker container ls
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  • docker:tldr:b0ccb docker: List images that contain a substring in their name.
    $ docker images "${*name*}"
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  • docker:tldr:b1c61 docker: Connect a container to a network using a name or ID.
    $ docker network connect ${network_name} ${select}
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  • docker:tldr:b8196 docker: Remove a volume.
    $ docker volume rm ${volume_name}
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  • docker:tldr:b94d0 docker: Copy a file or directory from the host to a container, following symlinks (copies the symlinked files directly, not the symlinks themselves).
    $ docker cp --follow-link ${path-to-symlink_on_host} ${container_name}:${filename_or_directory_in_container}
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  • docker:tldr:ba1ef docker: Apply an `ENV` Dockerfile instruction to the created image.
    $ docker commit --change="ENV ${name}=${value}" ${container} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:bae9e docker: Print logs and append them with timestamps.
    $ docker logs -t ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:bd475 docker: Create a new secret from a file.
    $ docker secret create ${secret_name} ${filename}
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  • docker:tldr:beda1 docker: Save all tags of the image.
    $ docker save --output ${filename-tar} ${image_name}
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  • docker:tldr:c3597 docker: Download a specific Docker image in quiet mode.
    $ docker pull --quiet ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:c3fc4 docker: Update the maximum number of process IDs allowed inside a specific container (use `-1` for unlimited).
    $ docker update --pids-limit ${count} ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:c558a docker: Disconnect a container from a network.
    $ docker network disconnect ${network_name} ${select}
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  • docker:tldr:c55e1 docker: Follow logs for a specific container.
    $ docker compose logs --follow ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:c63ee docker: Run a command in the background (detached) on a running container.
    $ docker exec --detach ${container_name} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:c7eb5 docker: List all Docker images including intermediates.
    $ docker images --all
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  • docker:tldr:c84ca docker: Pull an image from a docker registry.
    $ docker pull ${image}
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  • docker:tldr:d1df9 docker: Log into a registry with a specific username (user will be prompted for a password).
    $ docker login --username ${username}
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  • docker:tldr:d305c docker: Remove one or more images given their names.
    $ docker rmi ${image1 image2 ---}
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  • docker:tldr:d3391 docker: Show docker disk usage.
    $ docker system df
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  • docker:tldr:d5837 docker: Start all containers, rebuild if necessary.
    $ docker compose up --build
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  • docker:tldr:d5f10 docker: Display a container's IP address.
    $ docker inspect --format='${range -NetworkSettings-Networks}${-IPAddress}${end}' ${container}
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  • docker:tldr:d75c3 docker: Change the valid period for node certificates.
    $ docker swarm update --cert-expiry ${hours}h${minutes}m${seconds}s
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  • docker:tldr:d7984 docker: Print logs from a container.
    $ docker logs ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:dac3c docker: Interactively log into a registry.
    $ docker login
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  • docker:tldr:dac9a docker: Run a command in background on existing container but keep `stdin` open.
    $ docker exec --interactive --detach ${container_name} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:dad39 docker: Display real-time events from the Docker daemon.
    $ docker system events
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  • docker:tldr:db2f5 docker: Create an image with a specific author in the metadata.
    $ docker commit --author="${author}" ${container} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:dbd3d docker: Update the number of CPUs available to a specific container.
    $ docker update --cpus ${count} ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:dc642 docker: Load a Docker image from a specific file in quiet mode.
    $ docker load --quiet --input ${path-to-image_file-tar}
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  • docker:tldr:dd6d3 docker: Create a volume with a specific label.
    $ docker volume create --label ${label} ${volume_name}
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  • docker:tldr:ddf96 docker: Display help for a subcommand.
    $ docker volume ${subcommand} --help
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  • docker:tldr:dfb12 docker: List all secrets.
    $ docker secret ls
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  • docker:tldr:e06af docker: Start all containers using an alternate compose file.
    $ docker compose --file ${filename} up
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  • docker:tldr:e0abb docker: Update the memory limit in [M]egabytes for a specific container.
    $ docker update --memory ${limit}M ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:e22a9 docker: Save an image to a tar archive.
    $ docker save --output ${filename-tar} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:e4b9b docker: Force remove an image.
    $ docker rmi --force ${image}
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  • docker:tldr:e4e78 docker: Build a docker image and tag it.
    $ docker build --tag ${name:tag} .
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  • docker:tldr:e6e79 docker: Join a new node to the cluster.
    $ docker swarm join --token ${token} ${manager_node_url:2377}
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  • docker:tldr:e7c2e docker: Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive.
    $ docker container export ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:e9fe3 docker: Apply a `CMD` Dockerfile instruction to the created image.
    $ docker commit --change="CMD ${command}" ${container} ${image}:${tag}
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  • docker:tldr:ea924 docker: Download all tags of a specific Docker image.
    $ docker pull --all-tags ${image}
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  • docker:tldr:ee06f docker: Start or stop an existing container.
    $ docker ${select} ${container_name}
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  • docker:tldr:f058f docker: Print last 5 lines.
    $ docker logs ${container_name} --tail ${5}
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  • docker:tldr:f0680 docker: Run command in a new container with bind mounted volumes.
    $ docker run --volume ${-path-to-host_path}:${-path-to-container_path} ${image} ${command}
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  • docker:tldr:f23be docker: Display all port bindings.
    $ docker inspect --format='${range $p, $conf := -NetworkSettings-Ports} ${$p} -> ${(index $conf 0)-HostPort} ${end}' ${container}
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  • docker:tldr:f29a7 docker: Set an environment variable in a running Bash session.
    $ docker exec --interactive --tty --env ${variable_name}=${value} ${container_name} ${-bin-bash}
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  • docker:tldr:f3304 docker: Delete all unused images (not just those without a tag).
    $ docker image prune --all
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  • docker:tldr:f6a40 docker: Display detailed information on one or multiple secrets in a human friendly format.
    $ docker secret inspect --pretty ${secret_name1 secret_name2 ---}
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  • docker:tldr:fa371 docker: Display a live stream of statistics for a space-separated list of containers.
    $ docker stats ${container_name}
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  • docker:warp:1c5259d0e7be3161b8df9b1a488caf4d Rename a Docker volume
    $ docker volume create --name ${new_volume} && docker run --rm -it -v ${old_volume}:/from -v ${new_volume}:/to alpine ash -c 'cd /from ; cp -av . /to' && docker volume rm ${old_volume}
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  • docker:warp:232251e1ae9c18f1e96376e73c49db14 Copy files from a host to a docker container
    $ docker cp ${local_file_path} ${container_id}:/${container_filepath}
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tool overview