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cowsay: List all available art types.
$ cowsay -l
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The command "cowsay -l" is used to list all the available cow files in the Cowsay program.

Cowsay is a program that generates ASCII art of a cow with a speech bubble containing whatever text you provide. The "-l" option is a flag that stands for "list," and it tells the cowsay command to display a list of all the available cow files that can be used by the program.

A cow file in cowsay contains the ASCII art representation of a cow or other characters that can be used instead of the cow. When you run "cowsay -l," the command will list the names of the available cow files that you can use as an argument with the cowsay command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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