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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cowsay. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Cowsay is a popular command line tool in UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems that generates ASCII art of a cow with speech or thought bubbles containing text input by the user. It adds a touch of fun and humor to the command line interface. Cowsay uses a cow as its default character, but it also allows you to use different characters such as a whale, a turtle, a dragon, and more. Cowsay has several options and flags to customize the appearance of the generated output, including changing the cow's eyes, tongue, and different speech bubble styles. It is often used for entertainment, simple messaging, or as an easter egg in software development.

List of commands for cowsay:

  • cowsay:tldr:48814 cowsay: Print the specified ASCII art saying "hello, world".
    $ cowsay -f ${art} "${hello, world}"
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  • cowsay:tldr:7559e cowsay: List all available art types.
    $ cowsay -l
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  • cowsay:tldr:80738 cowsay: Print an ASCII cow saying "hello, world".
    $ cowsay "${hello, world}"
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  • cowsay:tldr:eb2c3 cowsay: Print an ASCII cow with custom eyes saying "hello, world".
    $ cowsay -e ${characters} "${hello, world}"
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