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cowsay: Print an ASCII cow saying "hello, world".
$ cowsay "${hello, world}"
try on your machine

The command "cowsay "${hello, world}"" is used to display an ASCII art of a cow saying a specific message in the terminal.

  • "cowsay" is the command that generates the ASCII art of a cow saying something.
  • "${hello, world}" is the message that the cow will be saying.
  • The curly braces in "${hello, world}" are used to group the text as a single argument and ensure it is treated as a single string by the command.

When you execute this command in your terminal, the output will be an ASCII art of a cow with a speech bubble containing the message "hello, world".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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