List of commands for cpdf:
cpdf:tldr:0d7e8 cpdf: Create a new document from an existing one with additional metadata.$ cpdf -set-metadata ${path-to-metadata-xml} ${path-to-source_document-pdf} -o ${path-to-destination_document-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
cpdf:tldr:20cdc cpdf: Split a document into ten-page chunks, writing them to `chunk001.pdf`, `chunk002.pdf`, etc.$ cpdf -split ${path-to-document-pdf} -o ${path-to-chunk%%%-pdf} -chunk ${10}try on your machineexplain this command
cpdf:tldr:24b7a cpdf: Show the bookmarks of a document.$ cpdf -list-bookmarks ${path-to-document-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
cpdf:tldr:47392 cpdf: Decrypt a document using the owner password `fred`.$ cpdf -decrypt ${path-to-encrypted_document-pdf} owner=${fred} -o ${path-to-decrypted_document-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
cpdf:tldr:907b9 cpdf: Select pages 1, 2, 3 and 6 from a source document and write those to a destination document.$ cpdf ${path-to-source_document-pdf} ${1-3,6} -o ${path-to-destination_document-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
cpdf:tldr:d3011 cpdf: Show the annotations of a document.$ cpdf -list-annotations ${path-to-document-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
cpdf:tldr:f9a04 cpdf: Merge two documents into a new one.$ cpdf -merge ${path-to-source_document_one-pdf} ${path-to-source_document_two-pdf} -o ${path-to-destination_document-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
cpdf:tldr:fc5a0 cpdf: Encrypt a document using 128bit encryption, providing `fred` as owner password and `joe` as user password.$ cpdf -encrypt ${128bit} ${fred} ${joe} ${path-to-source_document-pdf} -o ${path-to-encrypted_document-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command