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cpio: Take a list of file names from standard input and add them [o]nto an archive in cpio's binary format.
$ echo "${file1} ${file2} ${file3}" | cpio -o > ${archive-cpio}
try on your machine

This command consists of two parts:

  1. echo "${file1} ${file2} ${file3}" - This part uses the echo command to print the values of three variables ${file1}, ${file2}, and ${file3}. The variables can be any file paths or names that you want to include in the cpio archive.

  2. | cpio -o > ${archive-cpio} - This part uses the pipe (|) to redirect the output of the echo command to the cpio command. The cpio command is used to create an archive. The -o option specifies that it should create a new archive, and the > redirects the output of the cpio command to a file named ${archive-cpio}.

In summary, this command takes the values of three variables ${file1}, ${file2}, and ${file3}, and creates a cpio archive file named ${archive-cpio} which includes the contents of those three files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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