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cpupower: Print CPU 0's available frequency [g]overnors.
$ sudo cpupower --cpu ${0} frequency-info g | grep "analyzing\|governors"
try on your machine

This command is used to display information about the CPU frequency and its available governors using the cpupower utility. Here is the breakdown:

  • sudo: It is a command that allows you to run a command with administrative or superuser privileges.
  • cpupower: It is a command-line tool used to manipulate the CPU frequency and its related settings.
  • --cpu ${0}: The ${0} represents the first argument passed to the script. It is used to specify the CPU number or ID for which we want to get the frequency and governor information.
  • frequency-info: This is a subcommand of cpupower that provides information about the CPU frequency.
  • g: The letter "g" represents the output format option. It specifies that the output should be in a "grep-friendly" format.
  • grep "analyzing\|governors": The grep command is used to filter text based on patterns. Here, it searches for lines containing the words "analyzing" or "governors" in the output.

In summary, this command analyzes the CPU frequency information for a specific CPU (specified by ${0}) using cpupower, formats the output in a grep-friendly format, and then filters for lines containing the words "analyzing" or "governors" using grep.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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