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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cpupower. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


cpupower is a command line tool that allows users to manage the CPU frequency and power settings on Linux systems. It provides a way to control the scaling governor and other power-related parameters of the CPU.

  1. cpupower is part of the Linux kernel's CPUFreq subsystem, which dynamically adjusts the CPU frequency based on system load.
  2. With cpupower, users can change the CPU frequency scaling governor, which determines how the CPU frequency is adjusted.
  3. The available CPU frequency scaling governors include ondemand, performance, powersave, and userspace.
  4. The ondemand governor adjusts the CPU frequency based on usage, while the performance governor keeps the frequency at the maximum level.
  5. Conversely, the powersave governor lowers the frequency to save power, and the userspace governor enables external tools to control the frequency scaling.
  6. cpupower can also display information about the CPU frequency scaling and current system settings.
  7. Users can set the minimum and maximum frequency limits for the CPU using cpupower.
  8. The tool can show information about available CPUFreq drivers and supported hardware features.
  9. It can also be used to set the CPU performance profile to balance power consumption and performance requirements.
  10. cpupower is a powerful utility for managing CPU power and frequency settings, providing flexibility and control over system performance and energy usage.

List of commands for cpupower:

  • cpupower:tldr:49612 cpupower: Print CPU 0's available frequency [g]overnors.
    $ sudo cpupower --cpu ${0} frequency-info g | grep "analyzing\|governors"
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  • cpupower:tldr:a353d cpupower: Print CPU 4's frequency from the hardware, in a human-readable format.
    $ sudo cpupower --cpu ${4} frequency-info --hwfreq --human
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  • cpupower:tldr:ba37a cpupower: Print information about all cores.
    $ sudo cpupower --cpu ${all} info
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  • cpupower:tldr:d7d7a cpupower: Set all CPUs to a power-saving frequency governor.
    $ sudo cpupower --cpu ${all} frequency-set --governor ${powersave}
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