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cradle-install: Skip running package updates.
$ cradle install --skip-versioning
try on your machine

The command "cradle install --skip-versioning" is related to the "cradle" tool, which is a package manager for Common Lisp.

When using the "cradle install" command, this tells the cradle tool to install a specific dependency or package into the current Common Lisp environment.

The option "--skip-versioning" indicates that the installation process should not check or enforce any specific version constraints or requirements for the package being installed. It essentially disables the versioning mechanism for that package, allowing the installation to proceed even if there are conflicts or incompatibilities with other packages.

This option can be useful in situations where you want to install a package quickly without worrying about version compatibility issues or when you explicitly want to bypass version constraints for specific reasons. However, be cautious when using this option, as it may lead to unexpected behavior or conflicts in your Common Lisp environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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