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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cradle. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Cradle is a command line tool that is used for generating and managing documentation for software projects. It is specifically designed to create beautiful, responsive, and user-friendly documentation websites.

Some key features of Cradle include:

  1. Easy Setup: Cradle provides a simple and intuitive command line interface for initializing and configuring documentation projects. It supports various platforms and programming languages.

  2. Markdown Support: It utilizes the popular markdown syntax for writing documentation. Markdown files can be easily organized into sections and hierarchies.

  3. Theming and Customization: Cradle offers a wide range of themes and templates to choose from, allowing you to customize the appearance of your documentation website to match your project's branding and style.

  4. Navigation and Search: Cradle generates a navigation sidebar that enables easy browsing through different sections and pages of your documentation. It also provides a search functionality, making it effortless for users to find relevant information quickly.

  5. Localization: If your project demands multi-language support, Cradle provides built-in support for localization. You can easily translate your documentation into different languages and enable language-switching functionality.

  6. Integration with Version Control: Cradle is designed to work hand-in-hand with version control systems like Git. It can automatically detect changes in your documentation files and trigger the rebuilding of the documentation website as necessary.

Overall, Cradle simplifies the process of creating and maintaining documentation for your software projects, providing an efficient and organized way to present information to your users.

List of commands for cradle:

  • cradle-deploy:tldr:01830 cradle-deploy: Deploy static assets including the "upload" directory.
    $ cradle deploy s3 --include-upload
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  • cradle-deploy:tldr:70094 cradle-deploy: Deploy Cradle to a server.
    $ cradle deploy production
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  • cradle-deploy:tldr:72870 cradle-deploy: Deploy static assets to Amazon S3.
    $ cradle deploy s3
    try on your machine
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  • cradle-deploy:tldr:c296e cradle-deploy: Deploy static assets including the Yarn "components" directory.
    $ cradle deploy s3 --include-yarn
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  • cradle-elastic:tldr:0f962 cradle-elastic: Submit the Elasticsearch schema.
    $ cradle elastic map
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  • cradle-elastic:tldr:5ad1b cradle-elastic: Truncate the Elasticsearch index for a specific package.
    $ cradle elastic flush ${package_name}
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  • cradle-elastic:tldr:9884c cradle-elastic: Populate the Elasticsearch indices for a specific package.
    $ cradle elastic populate ${package_name}
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  • cradle-elastic:tldr:c719b cradle-elastic: Submit the Elasticsearch schema for a specific package.
    $ cradle elastic map ${package_name}
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  • cradle-elastic:tldr:efb9d cradle-elastic: Populate the Elasticsearch indices for all packages.
    $ cradle elastic populate
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  • cradle-elastic:tldr:f9c5f cradle-elastic: Truncate the Elasticsearch index.
    $ cradle elastic flush
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  • cradle-install:tldr:39cb7 cradle-install: Install Cradle's components (User will be prompted for further details).
    $ cradle install
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  • cradle-install:tldr:4d65e cradle-install: Forcefully overwrite files.
    $ cradle install --force
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  • cradle-install:tldr:c90af cradle-install: Use specific database details.
    $ cradle install -h ${hostname} -u ${username} -p ${password}
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  • cradle-install:tldr:e42eb cradle-install: Skip running package updates.
    $ cradle install --skip-versioning
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  • cradle-install:tldr:f612a cradle-install: Skip running SQL migrations.
    $ cradle install --skip-sql
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  • cradle-package:tldr:1fcf2 cradle-package: Update a package to a specific version.
    $ cradle package update ${package} ${version}
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  • cradle-package:tldr:47ff5 cradle-package: Install a package from Packagist.
    $ cradle package install ${package}
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  • cradle-package:tldr:67f79 cradle-package: Update a package.
    $ cradle package update ${package}
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  • cradle-package:tldr:8189c cradle-package: Install a specific version of a package.
    $ cradle package install ${package} ${version}
    try on your machine
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  • cradle-package:tldr:865dd cradle-package: Display a list of available packages.
    $ cradle package list
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  • cradle-package:tldr:ea447 cradle-package: Remove a specific package.
    $ cradle package remove ${package}
    try on your machine
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  • cradle-package:tldr:eb5a6 cradle-package: Search for a package.
    $ cradle package search ${package}
    try on your machine
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  • cradle-sql:tldr:5b201 cradle-sql: Populate the tables for a specific package.
    $ cradle sql populate ${package_name}
    try on your machine
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  • cradle-sql:tldr:6740c cradle-sql: Empty the database tables for a specific package.
    $ cradle sql flush ${package_name}
    try on your machine
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  • cradle-sql:tldr:8f22b cradle-sql: Empty the entire database.
    $ cradle sql flush
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  • cradle-sql:tldr:9d6e7 cradle-sql: Rebuild the database schema.
    $ cradle sql build
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  • cradle-sql:tldr:a141e cradle-sql: Populate the tables for all packages.
    $ cradle sql populate
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  • cradle-sql:tldr:d44c0 cradle-sql: Rebuild the database schema for a specific package.
    $ cradle sql build ${package_name}
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  • cradle:tldr:209c1 cradle: Connect to a server.
    $ cradle connect ${server_name}
    try on your machine
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  • cradle:tldr:7a6c1 cradle: Execute a Cradle command.
    $ cradle ${command}
    try on your machine
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  • cradle:tldr:86ce7 cradle: Display general help.
    $ cradle help
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • cradle:tldr:895dd cradle: Display help for a specific command.
    $ cradle ${command} help
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview