The command "crictl rmi ${image_id1 image_id2 ---}" is used to remove one or more container images using the "crictl" tool.
Here's a breakdown of the different parts of the command:
"crictl": It is a command-line tool used to interact with the Container Runtime Interface (CRI) of a container runtime like Docker or containerd. It provides various functionalities related to containers and images.
"rmi": It stands for "remove image" and is the subcommand of the "crictl" tool used to remove container images. This subcommand is followed by one or more image IDs.
"${image_id1 image_id2 ---}": This is a placeholder syntax used to indicate that you need to provide one or more image IDs as arguments to the command. The "---" indicates that you can provide multiple image IDs separated by spaces.
For example, you can use the "crictl rmi" command like this:
"crictl rmi abc123": It will remove the container image with the ID "abc123".
"crictl rmi abc123 def456 ghi789": It will remove the container images with the IDs "abc123", "def456", and "ghi789".
Note: Make sure to replace "image_id1 image_id2 ---" with the actual image IDs you want to remove.