crictl is a command line tool used for interacting with the Container Runtime Interface (CRI) of Kubernetes. CRI is an API used to manage containers in Kubernetes clusters. crictl allows you to perform various operations on containers, such as listing, creating, deleting, starting, stopping, and inspecting containers.
Some key features of crictl include:
Compatibility: crictl is designed to work with any container runtime that implements the CRI standard. It supports popular container runtimes like Docker, containerd, and CRI-O.
Easy-to-use: crictl provides a simple and intuitive command line interface, making it easy to manage containers without the need for complex configuration.
Container inspection: crictl allows you to inspect container metadata and status, providing information about container ID, image, labels, environment variables, networking, and more.
Container lifecycle management: You can use crictl to create, start, stop, pause, resume, and delete containers. This enables you to manage containers effectively from the command line.
Image management: crictl offers image-related commands to pull, remove, and list container images. It also provides options for specifying image registries and authentication.
Logging and troubleshooting: crictl provides commands to fetch and stream logs from running containers, helping with troubleshooting and monitoring containerized applications.
Overall, crictl is a versatile and powerful tool that simplifies container management through its command line interface, allowing users to interact with container runtimes in Kubernetes clusters efficiently.
List of commands for crictl:
crictl:tldr:026a2 crictl: List all kubernetes pods (Ready and NotReady).$ crictl podstry on your machineexplain this command
crictl:tldr:451e9 crictl: Remove one or more images.$ crictl rmi ${image_id1 image_id2 ---}try on your machineexplain this command
crictl:tldr:6c94e crictl: Pull a specific image from a registry.$ crictl pull ${image:tag}try on your machineexplain this command
crictl:tldr:7da7b crictl: Open a specific shell inside a running container.$ crictl exec -it ${container_id} ${sh}try on your machineexplain this command
crictl:tldr:84907 crictl: Print and [f]ollow logs of a specific container.$ crictl logs -f ${container_id}try on your machineexplain this command
crictl:tldr:93757 crictl: Print information about specific containers.$ crictl inspect ${container_id1 container_id2 ---}try on your machineexplain this command
crictl:tldr:adb23 crictl: List all containers (Running and Exited).$ crictl ps --alltry on your machineexplain this command