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crictl: Print information about specific containers.
$ crictl inspect ${container_id1 container_id2 ---}
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The command "crictl inspect ${container_id1 container_id2 ---}" is used to inspect one or more containers using the crictl tool.

Here's an explanation of the command components:

  • "crictl" refers to the command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with the container runtime interface (CRI) of a container runtime like Docker or CRI-O.

  • "inspect" is the subcommand of crictl used to inspect container details.

  • "${container_id1 container_id2 ---}" represents the container IDs of the containers you want to inspect. You can specify multiple container IDs, separated by spaces, to inspect multiple containers at once. The "---" indicates that you can provide as many container IDs as you want.

By executing this command, crictl will retrieve detailed information about the specified containers, such as their status, image information, mounts, environment variables, network configuration, and more.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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