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crunch: Write a list of words stopping with the given string and inverting the wordlist.
$ crunch ${1} ${5} -o ${START} -e ${abcde} -i
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This command uses the "crunch" tool, a wordlist generator, to generate a list of all possible combinations of characters within a specified range and saves the generated list into a specified output file.

Here is what each part of the command does:

  • crunch is the command to execute the "crunch" tool.

  • ${1} and ${5} represent the range of characters for generating the combinations. ${1} denotes the minimum length of the words, while ${5} represents the maximum length.

  • -o ${START} specifies the file where the generated wordlist will be saved. "${START}" is the path/name of the output file.

  • -e ${abcde} specifies the character set to be used for generating the combinations. ${abcde} represents a set of characters to be included in the wordlist.

  • -i is an option that tells crunch to include any words it has already generated, which can result in larger wordlists.

Overall, this command generates a wordlist containing all possible combinations of characters within the specified range, uses the character set "abcde", saves the generated list into the file specified by ${START}, and includes any words it has already generated.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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