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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool crunch. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Crunch is a powerful and versatile command-line tool used for generating wordlists and password dictionaries. It allows users to create custom wordlists by specifying various parameters like minimum and maximum length, character sets, patterns, and more.

Here are some key features of Crunch:

  1. Generation of custom wordlists: Crunch can generate wordlists based on user-defined criteria such as minimum and maximum length, character sets (e.g., letters, numbers, symbols), and patterns. This flexibility makes it ideal for creating targeted wordlists for password cracking, network security assessments, or any situation where password guessing or brute-forcing is required.

  2. Pattern-based generation: Users can use special tokens to define patterns within the generated words. For example, using a '?' character in the pattern will generate all possible combinations of characters at that position, while using '@' will generate all lowercase and uppercase letters. This feature is useful for creating wordlists with specific combinations or formats.

  3. Comprehensive character set support: Crunch supports a wide range of character sets including lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, symbols, and custom character sets. It even allows users to define their own character sets, enabling the creation of highly customized wordlists.

  4. Progress monitoring: When generating large wordlists, Crunch provides a progress bar to keep track of the generation process, giving an estimate of the time remaining.

  5. Multiple output formats: Crunch can output wordlists in various formats such as plain text, gzip-compressed files, or even pipes to other tools or applications, making it adaptable and easy to integrate into various workflows.

Crunch is included in various Linux distributions, and its flexibility and efficiency make it a valuable tool for penetration testers, security researchers, and anyone requiring custom wordlists for security assessments or password generation.

List of commands for crunch:

  • crunch:tldr:38010 crunch: Output a list of hexadecimal words of length 8.
    $ crunch ${8} ${8} ${0123456789abcdef}
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  • crunch:tldr:66bdf crunch: Write a list of words in compressed chunk files with a specified number of words.
    $ crunch ${1} ${5} -o ${START} -c ${1000} -z ${select}
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  • crunch:tldr:8256f crunch: Output a list of all permutations of abc (lengths are not processed).
    $ crunch ${1} ${1} -p ${abc}
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  • crunch:tldr:83072 crunch: Output a list of words generated according to the given pattern and a maximum number of duplicate letters.
    $ crunch ${5} ${5} ${abcde123} -t ${@@@12} -d 2@
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  • crunch:tldr:898cc crunch: Write a list of words stopping with the given string and inverting the wordlist.
    $ crunch ${1} ${5} -o ${START} -e ${abcde} -i
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  • crunch:tldr:90e15 crunch: Output a list of words of length 1 to 3 with only lowercase characters.
    $ crunch ${1} ${3}
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  • crunch:tldr:a647c crunch: Output a list of all permutations of the given strings (lengths are not processed).
    $ crunch ${1} ${1} -p ${abc} ${def} ${ghi}
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  • crunch:tldr:dd8cd crunch: Write a list of words in chunk files of a given size, starting with the given string.
    $ crunch ${3} ${5} -o ${START} -b ${10kb} -s ${abc}
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