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crunch: Output a list of all permutations of the given strings (lengths are not processed).
$ crunch ${1} ${1} -p ${abc} ${def} ${ghi}
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This command uses the "crunch" tool to generate a wordlist. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "crunch" is the name of the tool being used.
  • "${1}" is a variable that represents the first input argument passed to the command. It is used twice in this command, which means the first argument will be used as both the minimum and maximum length of the words in the generated wordlist.
  • "-p" is an option that allows you to specify a pattern for the wordlist. It is followed by "${abc} ${def} ${ghi}" which are variables representing additional patterns for the wordlist.

In summary, this command uses the "crunch" tool to generate a wordlist with word lengths specified by the first input argument. It also includes additional patterns provided through the variables "${abc}", "${def}", and "${ghi}".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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