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crunch: Write a list of words in chunk files of a given size, starting with the given string.
$ crunch ${3} ${5} -o ${START} -b ${10kb} -s ${abc}
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The given command involves the use of the "crunch" tool with different options and parameters. Here is the explanation:

  • "crunch" is a tool used for generating wordlists based on specified criteria.

  • "${3}" and "${5}" are placeholders for two variables that need to be provided. These variables could represent any numbers, strings, or values depending on the specific usage of the script or command.

  • "-o" is an option used to specify the output file or directory for the generated wordlist. "${START}" is a placeholder for the output file or directory name. It should be replaced with the desired name or location.

  • "-b" is an option that sets the maximum file size for the output file. "${10kb}" is a placeholder representing the desired file size limit, which is set to 10 kilobytes (KB). You can replace it with a different value or size if needed.

  • "-s" is an option used to define a specific pattern or character set to be used for generating the wordlist. "${abc}" is a placeholder for the pattern or character set. You can replace it with any desired pattern or character combination, depending on the requirements.

To execute this command correctly, make sure to replace the placeholders "${3}", "${5}", "${START}", "${10kb}", and "${abc}" with their respective values before running it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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