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cs-complete-dep: Print which artifacts are pubblished under a given Maven groupId searching in the ivy2local.
$ cs complete-dep ${group_id} --repository ivy2local
try on your machine

This command is likely specific to a build or dependency management tool and may not be universally applicable. However, based on the provided information, here is a possible explanation:

The command cs complete-dep is being used to resolve and download all the dependencies required by a particular group or project.

${group_id} is likely a placeholder representing the ID or name of the group, module, or project for which the dependencies need to be resolved and completed.

The --repository ivy2local argument specifies the repository from which the dependencies should be retrieved. In this case, the command is likely instructing the tool to use the 'ivy2local' repository for downloading the dependencies. The 'ivy2local' repository is commonly used in Apache Ivy dependency management.

Overall, this command aims to ensure that all the dependencies for the specified group are retrieved and ready for use in the local environment by utilizing the specified repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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