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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "cs" command line tool is a utility used in certain operating systems like Windows for compiling C# files. It is commonly referred to as the "C# compiler" or "csc" (C# Compiler) as well. This tool is distributed with the .NET Framework and is responsible for transforming C# source code into executable or library files.

Using the "cs" command, you can provide various parameters and options to control the compilation process, such as specifying the source files to compile, setting compiler options, defining conditional compilation symbols, referencing external assemblies, outputting the compiled files to a specific location, and more.

Here is an example usage of the "cs" command to compile a C# file:

cs /out:MyProgram.exe MyProgram.cs

This command would compile the C# source file "MyProgram.cs" and produce an executable file named "MyProgram.exe" in the current directory.

It's worth noting that the "cs" command is specific to Windows and is not available on other operating systems like macOS or Linux. On those platforms, you would typically use other tools, such as "dotnet build" or "msbuild," for compiling C# code.

List of commands for cs:

  • cs-complete-dep:tldr:24206 cs-complete-dep: Print which artifacts are published under a specific Maven group identifier.
    $ cs complete-dep ${group_id}
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  • cs-complete-dep:tldr:50864 cs-complete-dep: List published artifacts under a Maven group identifier searching in a specific repository and credentials.
    $ cs complete-dep ${group_id}:${artifact_id} --repository ${repository_url} --credentials ${user}:${password}
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  • cs-complete-dep:tldr:8fe25 cs-complete-dep: Print which artifacts are pubblished under a given Maven groupId searching in the ivy2local.
    $ cs complete-dep ${group_id} --repository ivy2local
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  • cs-complete-dep:tldr:984b1 cs-complete-dep: List published library versions under a specific Maven group identifier and an artifact one.
    $ cs complete-dep ${group_id}:${artifact_id}
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  • cs-fetch:tldr:17a7d cs-fetch: Fetch jars coming from dependency files.
    $ cs fetch ${--dependency-file filename1 --dependency-file filename2 ---}
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  • cs-fetch:tldr:46ff2 cs-fetch: Fetch a source of a specific jar.
    $ cs fetch --sources ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}
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  • cs-fetch:tldr:b7e0c cs-fetch: Fetch dependency with javadoc jars and source jars.
    $ cs fetch --default=${true} --sources --javadoc ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}
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  • cs-fetch:tldr:bc16b cs-fetch: Fetch a specific version of a jar.
    $ cs fetch ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}
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  • cs-fetch:tldr:de1fe cs-fetch: Fetch the javadoc jars.
    $ cs fetch --javadoc ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}
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  • cs-install:tldr:19355 cs-install: Uninstall a specific application.
    $ cs uninstall ${application_name}
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  • cs-install:tldr:2f48a cs-install: List all installed applications.
    $ cs list
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  • cs-install:tldr:3ae38 cs-install: Update a specific application if available.
    $ cs update ${application_name}
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  • cs-install:tldr:502ae cs-install: Search an application by a specific name.
    $ cs search ${application_partial_name}
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  • cs-install:tldr:9d4e7 cs-install: Install a specific application.
    $ cs install ${application_name}
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  • cs-install:tldr:9f000 cs-install: Install a specific version of an application.
    $ cs install ${application_name}:${application_version}
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  • cs-install:tldr:d6316 cs-install: Update all the installed applications.
    $ cs update
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  • cs-java:tldr:07aec cs-java: Set the a specific JVM as one-off "default" for the shell instance.
    $ cs java --jvm ${jvm_name}:${jvm_version} --env
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  • cs-java:tldr:51c5d cs-java: Set a specific JVM as default for the whole system.
    $ cs java --jvm ${jvm_name}:${jvm_version} --setup
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  • cs-java:tldr:6f5ce cs-java: List all the installed JVM in the system with his own location.
    $ cs java --installed
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  • cs-java:tldr:77095 cs-java: List all the available JVM in the coursier default index.
    $ cs java --available
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  • cs-java:tldr:770ef cs-java: Call the java version by using coursier.
    $ cs java -version
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  • cs-java:tldr:d1bc3 cs-java: Call a specific java version with custom properties using coursier.
    $ cs java --jvm ${jvm_name}:${jvm_version} -Xmx32m -X${another_jvm_opt} -jar ${path-to-jar_name-jar}
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  • cs-launch:tldr:412b5 cs-launch: Launch a specific version of an application specifying which is the main file.
    $ cs launch ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version} --main-class ${path-to-main_class_file}
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  • cs-launch:tldr:8dac7 cs-launch: Launch an application with specific java options and a jvm memory ones.
    $ cs launch --java-opt ${-Doption_name1:option_value1 -Doption_name2:option_value2 ---} --java-opt ${-Xjvm_option1 -Xjvm_option2 ---} ${application_name}
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  • cs-resolve:tldr:10bae cs-resolve: Resolve dependency tree in a reverse order (from a dependency to its dependencies).
    $ cs resolve --reverse-tree ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:{{artifact_version}
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  • cs-resolve:tldr:3a364 cs-resolve: Print eventual conflicts between a set of packages.
    $ cs resolve --conflicts ${group_id1:artifact_id1:artifact_version1 group_id2:artifact_id2:artifact_version2 ---}
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  • cs-resolve:tldr:41d96 cs-resolve: Resolve lists of transitive dependencies of a package by the dependency tree.
    $ cs resolve --tree ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}
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  • cs-resolve:tldr:49e38 cs-resolve: Print all the libraries that depends on a specific library.
    $ cs resolve ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version} --what-depends-on ${searched_group_id}:${searched_artifact_id}
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  • cs-resolve:tldr:95e0d cs-resolve: Print all the libraries that depends on a specific library version.
    $ cs resolve ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version} --what-depends-on ${searched_group_id}:${searched_artifact_id}${searched_artifact_version}
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  • cs-resolve:tldr:b2a10 cs-resolve: Resolve lists of transitive dependencies of two dependencies.
    $ cs resolve ${group_id1}:${artifact_id1}:${artifact_version1} ${group_id2}:${artifact_id2}:${artifact_version2}
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  • cs:tldr:3bc84 cs: Display version.
    $ cs version
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  • cs:tldr:faff6 cs: Setup machine for the Scala development.
    $ cs setup
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tool overview