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cs-complete-dep: List published library versions under a specific Maven group identifier and an artifact one.
$ cs complete-dep ${group_id}:${artifact_id}
try on your machine

The command "cs complete-dep ${group_id}:${artifact_id}" is likely a command line instruction for a build or dependency management tool.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "cs" is the command or executable being run. It could be the name of a tool or script.
  • "complete-dep" is likely an argument or subcommand specific to the tool. It suggests that the command is related to managing or completing dependencies.
  • "${group_id}:${artifact_id}" is the parameter being passed to the command. It appears to be a placeholder or variable that needs to be replaced with specific values. Based on common naming conventions, it likely represents the group ID and artifact ID of a particular software library or component.

To use this command effectively, you would need to replace "${group_id}" and "${artifact_id}" with the actual values of the group ID and artifact ID you want to complete or manage dependencies for. This could be something like "com.example" for the group ID and "my-library" for the artifact ID.

The specific functionality and behavior of the "cs complete-dep" command would depend on the tool or script it belongs to. You may need to consult the tool's documentation or source code to understand its full purpose.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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