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cs-fetch: Fetch jars coming from dependency files.
$ cs fetch ${--dependency-file filename1 --dependency-file filename2 ---}
try on your machine

The command "cs fetch ${--dependency-file filename1 --dependency-file filename2 ---}" likely belongs to a software package called "cs" or something similar.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "cs fetch": This invokes the "fetch" function or command within the "cs" software package.

  • "${--dependency-file filename1 --dependency-file filename2 ---}": This is a parameter passed to the "fetch" command. It appears to be using the syntax of curly braces "${...}" to specify multiple values for the same parameter. In this case, it sets the value of the "--dependency-file" parameter to "filename1" and "filename2". "--dependency-file" is a flag or option used by the "fetch" command to specify dependency files to include.

By providing multiple "--dependency-file" flags, the user is indicating that they want to include multiple dependency files, which are typically files that are required for the software to run or build successfully. However, without further context or information about the specific software package, it is difficult to provide more details on the exact purpose and behavior of the "fetch" command in this case.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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