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cs-java: List all the installed JVM in the system with his own location.
$ cs java --installed
try on your machine

The command "cs java --installed" is typically used in the context of a command line tool or package manager called "cs" to check if Java is installed on a system.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "cs": This is the command line tool or package manager being used. It could be a custom tool or a shortcut for an existing package manager like Chocolatey or Composer.
  • "java": This is the name of the package or program being checked for installation.
  • "--installed": This is an argument or option that is passed to the "cs" command. It indicates that we want to check if Java is already installed on the system.

So, when you run "cs java --installed", the command line tool will check if Java is currently installed on the system and provide the corresponding response. It might display a message saying whether Java is installed or not, or it could display a version number if it is installed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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