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cs-java: Call a specific java version with custom properties using coursier.
$ cs java --jvm ${jvm_name}:${jvm_version} -Xmx32m -X${another_jvm_opt} -jar ${path-to-jar_name-jar}
try on your machine

This command is running a Java application using a specific Java Virtual Machine (JVM), with various configurations.

Let's break it down:

  • cs java: This is the command to run a Java application.
  • --jvm ${jvm_name}:${jvm_version}: This specifies the JVM to be used for running the application. ${jvm_name} is a variable that holds the name of the JVM, while ${jvm_version} holds the JVM version. This allows you to specify a particular JVM to use.
  • -Xmx32m: This sets the maximum heap size for the JVM to 32 megabytes (MB). The JVM uses this setting to determine the maximum amount of memory it can allocate for Java objects.
  • -X${another_jvm_opt}: This is an additional option for the JVM, specified by the ${another_jvm_opt} variable. The purpose and value of this option will depend on how it is set elsewhere in the code or environment.
  • -jar ${path-to-jar_name-jar}: This specifies the path to the JAR (Java Archive) file of the Java application to be executed. The JAR file contains the compiled and packaged code of the application.

Overall, this command is starting a Java application using a specific JVM, with a set maximum heap size, any additional JVM options, and executing a specific JAR file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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