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cs-launch: Launch an application with specific java options and a jvm memory ones.
$ cs launch --java-opt ${-Doption_name1:option_value1 -Doption_name2:option_value2 ---} --java-opt ${-Xjvm_option1 -Xjvm_option2 ---} ${application_name}
try on your machine

This command is using the "cs" command to launch a Java application with specified options.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "cs": It is assumed to be the name of a command or script that launches a Java application.
  • "launch": It is likely an argument or option of the "cs" command to specify that we want to launch an application.
  • "--java-opt": This is an argument or option specific to the "cs" command. It is used to pass additional Java options to the application being launched.
  • "${-Doption_name1:option_value1 -Doption_name2:option_value2 ---}": This is a placeholder for one or more Java system properties. The "-D" indicates that these are system properties being set for the Java application. "option_name1" and "option_name2" are the names of the system properties, and "option_value1" and "option_value2" are their corresponding values. The "}" is likely used to close the placeholder. This placeholder can be replaced with actual system properties and values.
  • "--java-opt": This is used again to pass additional Java options to the application.
  • "${-Xjvm_option1 -Xjvm_option2 ---}": This is a placeholder for one or more JVM (Java Virtual Machine) options. The "-X" indicates that these are JVM options. "jvm_option1" and "jvm_option2" are the names of the JVM options. The "}" is likely used to close the placeholder. This placeholder can be replaced with actual JVM options.
  • "${application_name}": This is a placeholder for the name of the Java application that needs to be launched. The actual name of the application will substitute this placeholder.

Overall, this command is used to launch a Java application with specific system properties and JVM options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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