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cs-resolve: Print eventual conflicts between a set of packages.
$ cs resolve --conflicts ${group_id1:artifact_id1:artifact_version1 group_id2:artifact_id2:artifact_version2 ---}
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The provided command "cs resolve --conflicts" is used for conflict resolution between different versions of artifacts in a software project.

Here is a breakdown of the command and its parameters:

  • "cs resolve" is the main command that initiates the conflict resolution process.
  • "--conflicts" is a flag or option that denotes that the command is specifically used for handling conflicts between different versions of artifacts.
  • "${group_id1:artifact_id1:artifact_version1 group_id2:artifact_id2:artifact_version2 ---}" is the placeholder for specifying the artifacts that have conflicts.

In this placeholder, you need to provide the specific artifacts that are conflicting, each separated by a space. The format for each artifact is "group_id:artifact_id:artifact_version". For example, if you have two conflicting artifacts with the following coordinates:

  • Group ID: "com.example"
  • Artifact ID: "my-library"
  • Artifact Version: "1.0.0"

And another artifact with the following coordinates:

  • Group ID: "com.example"
  • Artifact ID: "my-library"
  • Artifact Version: "2.0.0"

The command would look like this: cs resolve --conflicts com.example:my-library:1.0.0 com.example:my-library:2.0.0

This command will trigger the conflict resolution process and attempt to resolve conflicts between the specified artifacts, typically by selecting the appropriate version or merging the conflicting changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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