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cs-resolve: Resolve lists of transitive dependencies of a package by the dependency tree.
$ cs resolve --tree ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}
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The command "cs resolve --tree ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}" is used with the "cs" command line tool for dependency resolution in software development projects. Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  • "cs": It refers to the name or alias of the command line tool being used.
  • "resolve": This is the command within the "cs" tool that initiates the resolution of project dependencies.
  • "--tree": It is an option or flag provided to the "resolve" command. It instructs the tool to display the resolved dependencies in a tree-like structure.
  • "${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}": This is an argument passed to the resolve command and has a specific format. It represents the Maven coordinates of a particular artifact that needs to be resolved. The "group_id" identifies the group or organization responsible for the artifact, the "artifact_id" represents the name of the artifact, and the "artifact_version" specifies the version of the artifact.

By running this command, the "cs" tool resolves the specified artifact's dependencies and presents them in a tree structure, showing how different dependencies are interconnected and dependent on each other.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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