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cs-resolve: Print all the libraries that depends on a specific library.
$ cs resolve ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version} --what-depends-on ${searched_group_id}:${searched_artifact_id}
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This command is related to the dependency management system used in software development, specifically for resolving dependencies. Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. cs resolve: This is the command itself, and it is used to resolve dependencies.

  2. ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}: It specifies the identification information of a particular artifact in the format of "group ID:artifact ID:version." These details are used to identify a specific dependency that needs to be resolved.

    • group_id: It identifies the group or organization to which the artifact belongs.
    • artifact_id: It represents the unique identifier of the artifact.
    • artifact_version: It indicates the version of the artifact needed.
  3. --what-depends-on: This flag is used to specify what dependencies depend on or require another artifact.

  4. ${searched_group_id}:${searched_artifact_id}: It specifies the identification details of the artifact that you want to find dependencies for.

    • searched_group_id: It identifies the group or organization of the searched artifact.
    • searched_artifact_id: It represents the unique identifier of the searched artifact.

Overall, this command is used to find the dependencies of a specific artifact (${searched_group_id}:${searched_artifact_id}) by analyzing which other artifacts depend on it. The command looks for these dependencies by resolving dependencies of a specific artifact identified by ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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