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cs-resolve: Print all the libraries that depends on a specific library version.
$ cs resolve ${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version} --what-depends-on ${searched_group_id}:${searched_artifact_id}${searched_artifact_version}
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This command is a command line instruction using the "cs" command.

The "cs" command is likely referring to some software or tool that deals with dependencies in a project. It is an abbreviation or alias for a specific command or tool, which is not specified in the information provided.

The "resolve" is a specific action or subcommand of the "cs" command. It suggests that the command is attempting to resolve or find the dependencies for a specific artifact.

The "${group_id}:${artifact_id}:${artifact_version}" is a placeholder for the parameters that need to be provided. It is expected that you replace these placeholders with the actual values of the group ID, artifact ID, and version of the artifact you want to find dependencies for. These values are usually provided as part of the build configuration or project setup.

The "--what-depends-on" flag is used to specify the type of dependency search. In this case, it is asking for the dependencies on a specific artifact. The "${searched_group_id}:${searched_artifact_id}${searched_artifact_version}" is another placeholder that should be replaced with the values of the group ID, artifact ID, and version of the artifact you want to find the dependencies for.

So, in summary, this command is likely using a tool called "cs" to resolve dependencies for a specific artifact and find what other artifacts depend on a specified artifact.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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