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csrutil: Reset the System Integrity Protection status and clear the NetBoot list.
$ csrutil clear
try on your machine

The "csrutil clear" command is a command used in macOS's Terminal to clear the configuration of System Integrity Protection (SIP) in order to allow modifications to certain protected system files and processes.

SIP is a security feature introduced in OS X El Capitan (10.11) that restricts access to critical system directories and files, preventing potential malware from modifying them and enhancing the system's overall security. It also helps in protecting users from accidentally deleting or modifying critical system files.

However, sometimes there may be a need to modify these protected system files or processes, such as when troubleshooting or installing certain software or drivers that require access. In such cases, the "csrutil clear" command can be used to clear the SIP configuration, temporarily disabling SIP and allowing modifications to take place.

It's important to note that modifying SIP can potentially expose your system to security risks, so it's recommended to only use this command if you understand the implications and have a specific need for it. After making the necessary modifications, it is recommended to re-enable SIP using the "csrutil enable" command to restore the system's security.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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