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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool csrutil. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


csrutil is a command line tool found on macOS systems. It stands for "System Integrity Protection" and is designed to protect the core functionality of the operating system. When enabled, csrutil restricts certain system modifications and administrative tasks to improve system security. It prevents unauthorized modifications to important system files and directories, ensuring stability and integrity. This tool is particularly useful in safeguarding against potential malware, unauthorized access, and system vulnerabilities. However, it also restricts some operations that may be required by advanced users or developers. By disabling or modifying csrutil, users can gain more control over their macOS system, allowing them to perform certain privileged actions. It is important to exercise caution when disabling csrutil, as it can leave the system more vulnerable to malicious activities.

List of commands for csrutil:

  • csrutil:tldr:01e3e csrutil: Display the System Integrity Protection status.
    $ csrutil status
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  • csrutil:tldr:1575f csrutil: Display the list of allowed NetBoot sources.
    $ csrutil netboot list
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  • csrutil:tldr:55838 csrutil: Enable the System Integrity Protection.
    $ csrutil enable
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  • csrutil:tldr:6698c csrutil: Disable the System Integrity Protection.
    $ csrutil disable
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  • csrutil:tldr:975df csrutil: Reset the System Integrity Protection status and clear the NetBoot list.
    $ csrutil clear
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  • csrutil:tldr:ab82c csrutil: Add an IPv4 address to the list of allowed NetBoot sources.
    $ csrutil netboot add ${ip}
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tool overview