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csslint: List all possible style rules.
$ csslint --list-rules
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The command "csslint --list-rules" is used to display a list of all available rules in CSSLint.

CSSLint is a static analysis tool used for checking Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) code for potential errors and anti-patterns. It helps developers and designers identify and fix issues in their CSS code to ensure better code quality.

By running the "csslint --list-rules" command, you can retrieve a comprehensive list of rules that CSSLint can apply to analyze your CSS code. These rules cover a wide range of checks, including potential syntax errors, inefficient code, deprecated or non-standard usage, and various best practices for writing optimized and maintainable CSS.

The output of this command presents the full list of available rules, each accompanied by a unique identifier or rule code, a description of what the rule checks for, and the default severity level assigned to it. This information helps you understand the rules that CSSLint applies by default and provides guidance on which ones you may want to enable or disable based on your project requirements and coding preferences.

By examining the list of rules, developers and designers can gain better insights into the potential issues CSSLint can identify in their CSS code and follow the recommended practices to rectify them, resulting in cleaner, more efficient, and more compliant CSS stylesheets.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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