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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool csslint. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


CSSLint is a command line tool for analyzing and reporting potential issues and errors in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) code. It helps developers identify and fix problems in their CSS files, leading to cleaner and more efficient code.

Some key features of CSSLint include:

  1. Static code analysis: CSSLint analyzes CSS code to detect potential problems such as syntax errors, invalid selectors, duplicate properties, too many rules, and more.

  2. Rule-based system: It employs a set of predefined rules that check for common CSS best practices and potential pitfalls. Developers can also customize the ruleset according to their specific requirements.

  3. Command line interface: CSSLint can be executed from the command line, making it easy to integrate into automated build processes or continuous integration systems. This allows developers to catch potential issues early in the development cycle.

  4. Configurable output: CSSLint provides various output formats, including a simple summary, a detailed report, or a JSON format that can be processed programmatically. This enables developers to integrate the tool with other tools or services if needed.

  5. Browser compatibility checks: CSSLint checks for potential browser compatibility issues and warns developers about CSS properties or selectors that may not be well supported across different browsers.

Overall, CSSLint helps developers improve the quality of their CSS code by enforcing best practices and highlighting potential problems. It promotes writing maintainable and efficient stylesheets, leading to better user experiences and easier maintenance.

List of commands for csslint:

  • csslint:tldr:06db2 csslint: List all possible style rules.
    $ csslint --list-rules
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  • csslint:tldr:1702f csslint: Specify certain rules to ignore.
    $ csslint --ignore=${ids,rules-count,shorthand} ${file-css}
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  • csslint:tldr:25ab6 csslint: Specify certain rules as errors (which result in a non-zero exit code).
    $ csslint --errors=${errors,universal-selector,imports} ${file-css}
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  • csslint:tldr:d193b csslint: Lint multiple CSS files.
    $ csslint ${file1-css} ${file2-css} ${file3-css}
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  • csslint:tldr:fdc8e csslint: Specify certain rules as warnings.
    $ csslint --warnings=${box-sizing,selector-max,floats} ${file-css}
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  • csslint:tldr:ffe68 csslint: Lint a single CSS file.
    $ csslint ${file-css}
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tool overview