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csslint: Specify certain rules as errors (which result in a non-zero exit code).
$ csslint --errors=${errors,universal-selector,imports} ${file-css}
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The command csslint --errors=${errors,universal-selector,imports} ${file-css} is used to run the csslint tool with specific error rules on a CSS file.

Here is how the different parts of the command work:

  • csslint: This is the command to run the csslint tool, which is used for finding potential errors or problems in CSS code.

  • --errors=${errors,universal-selector,imports}: This part specifies the specific error rules that should be checked by csslint. The ${errors,universal-selector,imports} is a placeholder for a list of error rules. In this case, three error rules are specified: errors, universal-selector, and imports.

    • errors checks for generic CSS errors.

    • universal-selector checks for the use of universal selectors (e.g., *).

    • imports checks for CSS import statements, which can negatively impact page load time.

    The list of error rules can be customized based on the specific needs of the CSS project.

  • ${file-css}: This part of the command represents the CSS file that you want to analyze with csslint. ${file-css} is a placeholder for the actual file name. You would replace ${file-css} with the name of the CSS file you want to analyze.

Overall, this command instructs csslint to analyze a CSS file, applying specific error rules, and providing feedback on potential issues related to generic errors, universal selectors, and CSS imports.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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