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csslint: Specify certain rules as warnings.
$ csslint --warnings=${box-sizing,selector-max,floats} ${file-css}
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This command is likely used in a command-line interface to run the CSSLint tool with specific warning configurations for certain rules on a specific CSS file.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • csslint: It is the name of the command-line tool being executed.
  • --warnings=${box-sizing,selector-max,floats}: It specifies the warnings to be enabled in CSSLint. In this case, the box-sizing, selector-max, and floats warnings are enabled. These warnings are related to CSS rules for box-sizing property, maximum selector specificity, and float usage, respectively.
  • ${file-css}: It represents the specific CSS file or the path to the CSS file on which CSSLint will be executed. The ${file-css} part should be replaced with the actual file name or file path.

So, this command will run CSSLint on the specified CSS file, enabling specific warnings related to the box-sizing property, maximum selector specificity, and float usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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