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csslint: Lint a single CSS file.
$ csslint ${file-css}
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The command "csslint ${file-css}" is using a tool called CSSLint to check the quality and validity of a CSS file specified by the variable "${file-css}".

CSSLint is a popular static analysis tool that helps identify potential errors, stylistic issues, and performance problems in CSS code. It applies a set of predefined rules to the CSS file and generates a report highlighting any issues found.

In this case, the "${file-css}" is a placeholder representing the path or filename of the CSS file you want to check. You need to replace "${file-css}" with the actual path or filename of the CSS file you want to analyze.

By running this command, CSSLint will read the specified CSS file, apply its rules, and provide a detailed report indicating any problems or suggestions for improvement.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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