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List of commands for cupsd:

  • cupsd:tldr:0310a cupsd: Start `cupsd` on the [f]oreground.
    $ cupsd -f
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  • cupsd:tldr:26c0f cupsd: Start `cupsd` in the background, aka. as a daemon.
    $ cupsd
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  • cupsd:tldr:57cdf cupsd: [t]est the `cups-file`[`s`]`.conf` configuration file for errors.
    $ cupsd -t -s ${path-to-cups-files-conf}
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  • cupsd:tldr:5863c cupsd: Start `cupsd` using the specified `cups-file`[`s`]`.conf` configuration file.
    $ cupsd -s ${path-to-cups-files-conf}
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  • cupsd:tldr:81639 cupsd: [l]aunch `cupsd` on-demand (commonly used by `launchd` or `systemd`).
    $ cupsd -l
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  • cupsd:tldr:a0f67 cupsd: [t]est the [`c`]`upsd.conf` configuration file for errors.
    $ cupsd -t -c ${path-to-cupsd-conf}
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  • cupsd:tldr:f21a3 cupsd: Display all available options.
    $ cupsd -h
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  • cupsd:tldr:fe79d cupsd: Start `cupsd` using the specified [`c`]`upsd.conf` configuration file.
    $ cupsd -c ${path-to-cupsd-conf}
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