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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cupsd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Cupsd is the main component of the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) software, which is a printing subsystem for Unix-like operating systems. It is responsible for the management of print queues, handling print jobs, and providing printer services over a network.

Some key features of cupsd include:

  1. Print Queues: Cupsd manages print queues, which are waiting areas for print jobs submitted by users. It maintains a list of pending print jobs and schedules them for printing on available printers.

  2. Print Job Handling: It handles print jobs by accepting them from clients, converting them into printer-specific commands, and sending them for printing. It also provides options for job cancellation, rescheduling, and prioritization.

  3. Printer Services: Cupsd offers various printer services like ink and toner level monitoring, maintenance operations, printer status checking, and error reporting. This allows for better printer management and monitoring.

  4. Network Printing: Cupsd supports network printing, enabling printers to be shared and accessed by multiple users across a network. It uses Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) to facilitate printing from remote systems.

  5. Web Interface: Cupsd provides a web-based administration interface called CUPS web interface. It allows users to manage printers, print queues, and print jobs through a web browser. This interface provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface for printer administration.

Overall, cupsd plays a vital role in managing printing tasks and services in Unix-like systems, making it easier to manage and control printing operations in both local and networked environments.

List of commands for cupsd:

  • cupsd:tldr:0310a cupsd: Start `cupsd` on the [f]oreground.
    $ cupsd -f
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  • cupsd:tldr:26c0f cupsd: Start `cupsd` in the background, aka. as a daemon.
    $ cupsd
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  • cupsd:tldr:57cdf cupsd: [t]est the `cups-file`[`s`]`.conf` configuration file for errors.
    $ cupsd -t -s ${path-to-cups-files-conf}
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  • cupsd:tldr:5863c cupsd: Start `cupsd` using the specified `cups-file`[`s`]`.conf` configuration file.
    $ cupsd -s ${path-to-cups-files-conf}
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  • cupsd:tldr:81639 cupsd: [l]aunch `cupsd` on-demand (commonly used by `launchd` or `systemd`).
    $ cupsd -l
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  • cupsd:tldr:a0f67 cupsd: [t]est the [`c`]`upsd.conf` configuration file for errors.
    $ cupsd -t -c ${path-to-cupsd-conf}
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  • cupsd:tldr:f21a3 cupsd: Display all available options.
    $ cupsd -h
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  • cupsd:tldr:fe79d cupsd: Start `cupsd` using the specified [`c`]`upsd.conf` configuration file.
    $ cupsd -c ${path-to-cupsd-conf}
    try on your machine
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tool overview