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curlie: Send a GET request.
$ curlie ${httpbin-org-get}
try on your machine

The curlie command is likely a shorthand or an alias to the curl command-line tool, which is a commonly used utility for making HTTP requests. The ${httpbin-org-get} part of the command appears to be a placeholder or variable, representing a specific URL endpoint for making an HTTP GET request to the website.

When you run the command curlie ${httpbin-org-get}, the value of ${httpbin-org-get} will be substituted with the actual URL. For example, if ${httpbin-org-get} is, then the command will be interpreted as curlie

The command sends an HTTP GET request to the specified URL (in this case, and retrieves the response from the server. The response could include a variety of information, such as the headers, body, status code, etc., depending on the implementation of the web server.

Note that the specifics of the curlie command may vary depending on the system or configuration. It's recommended to refer to the documentation or the help message of curlie or curl for more details on its usage and options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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