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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool curlie. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Curlie is a command line tool primarily created for making HTTP requests and handling responses. It is an alternative to the popular cURL tool and is designed to be simpler to use with a more intuitive command structure.

One of the key features of Curlie is its ability to handle various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and SMTP. This allows you to interact with different server types from the command line.

Curlie supports a wide range of functionalities, including sending custom headers, following redirects, handling cookies, and performing authentication. It can also handle file uploads and downloads, making it useful for tasks like transferring files via FTP.

The tool provides clear and concise output, making it easy to understand and work with the server responses. It allows you to view the response headers, body, and status codes in a readable format.

Curlie supports different request methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more. You can specify these methods using simple command line options.

With Curlie, you can set various options and parameters to customize your requests. This includes setting a user agent, setting request timeouts, specifying a specific IP address, and more.

The tool supports proxy servers, allowing you to route your requests through a proxy for additional privacy and security.

Curlie is open source software, which means that it is freely available and its source code can be modified and distributed.

It is compatible with major operating systems including Linux, macOS, and Windows, providing flexibility for various development environments.

Curlie offers extensive documentation and examples to help users get started quickly and effectively use the tool for their specific needs.

List of commands for curlie:

  • curlie:tldr:3ea75 curlie: Send a GET request.
    $ curlie ${httpbin-org-get}
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  • curlie:tldr:41cf3 curlie: Send a POST request.
    $ curlie post ${httpbin-org-post} ${name=john} ${age:=25}
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  • curlie:tldr:83b2f curlie: Send a GET request with a custom header.
    $ curlie get ${httpbin-org-get} ${header-name:header-value}
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  • curlie:tldr:98c9b curlie: Send a GET request with query parameters (e.g. `first_param=5&second_param=true`).
    $ curlie get ${httpbin-org-get} ${first_param==5} ${second_param==true}
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tool overview