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curlie: Send a GET request with query parameters (e.g. `first_param=5&second_param=true`).
$ curlie get ${httpbin-org-get} ${first_param==5} ${second_param==true}
try on your machine

This command appears to be using the curlie tool to make an HTTP GET request to the ${httpbin-org-get} endpoint with two parameters: ${first_param==5} and ${second_param==true}.

Let's break it down:

  • curlie: This is the name of the tool being used to make HTTP requests. It is similar to the widely used curl command-line tool, but with an enhanced user interface.

  • get: This specifies the HTTP method to use, in this case, a GET request is being made.

  • ${httpbin-org-get}: This is a variable that holds the specific URL or endpoint where the GET request is being sent. The ${httpbin-org-get} may be replaced with an actual URL or endpoint.

  • ${first_param==5}: This is a parameter being sent in the request. It seems to be using variable syntax with an == operator to assign a value. In this case, it is checking if the variable first_param is equal to 5. The actual value of first_param may vary.

  • ${second_param==true}: Similar to the previous parameter, this is another parameter being sent in the request. It is also checking if the variable second_param is equal to true. The actual value of second_param may vary.

Overall, this command is using curlie to send an HTTP GET request to a specific URL or endpoint along with two parameters, first_param and second_param, and their respective values are being checked for equality before sending the request.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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