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cut: Print a specific character/field range of each line.
$ ${command} | cut -${select} ${select1}
try on your machine

This command combines the use of two commands in a Unix-like operating system:

  1. ${command}: This is a placeholder for a specific command that will be used as input for the next command in the pipeline. It can be any valid command or program that produces output.

  2. | (pipe operator): This symbol is used to redirect the output of the previous command as input to the next command. In this case, the output of ${command} will be passed as input to the cut command.

  3. cut command: This is a command-line tool used to extract specific columns or fields from a file or input stream. It allows you to specify a delimiter and select certain columns to extract.

  4. -${select}: This parameter determines the delimiter used by the cut command. It specifies the character or field position to use as the delimiter for cutting.

  5. ${select1}: This parameter specifies the field or column to extract from the input using cut. It can be a single field number, a range, or a comma-separated list of field numbers.

So, overall, this command is used to take the output of ${command}, set the delimiter with -, and then extract the desired field or column using ${select1}. This can be useful for data manipulation and filtering.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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