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darkhttpd: Listen only on specified IP address (by default, the server listens on all interfaces).
$ darkhttpd ${path-to-docroot} --addr ${ip_address}
try on your machine

The command you provided is invoking an executable called darkhttpd and passing two arguments (${path-to-docroot} and ${ip_address}) to it.

darkhttpd is a simple and lightweight web server designed for serving static content. By providing the path to the document root directory (${path-to-docroot}), you are specifying the directory where the web server will look for files to serve over HTTP. This directory usually contains your website files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.).

The --addr option is used to specify the IP address that the web server will bind to. By passing ${ip_address} as the argument to --addr, the web server will bind to that particular IP address. This means that the server will listen for incoming HTTP requests only on that IP address.

In summary, the command darkhttpd ${path-to-docroot} --addr ${ip_address} starts the darkhttpd server with the provided document root directory and binds it to the specified IP address, allowing clients to access the static files hosted in the document root directory via HTTP.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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