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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool darkhttpd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


darkhttpd is a lightweight, command-line tool for serving static content over HTTP on Linux systems. It is designed to be minimalistic and efficient, consuming minimal resources. With darkhttpd, you can quickly set up a basic web server to serve files or host simple websites. It is a standalone binary with no external dependencies, making it easy to deploy. Although it lacks support for dynamic content or server-side scripting languages, darkhttpd excels at serving static files with speed and simplicity. It offers basic configuration options, allowing you to specify the listening port and bind address.

List of commands for darkhttpd:

  • darkhttpd:tldr:50f57 darkhttpd: Start server serving the specified document root.
    $ darkhttpd ${path-to-docroot}
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  • darkhttpd:tldr:d7046 darkhttpd: Listen only on specified IP address (by default, the server listens on all interfaces).
    $ darkhttpd ${path-to-docroot} --addr ${ip_address}
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  • darkhttpd:tldr:d9d6b darkhttpd: Start server on specified port (port 8080 by default if running as non-root user).
    $ darkhttpd ${path-to-docroot} --port ${port}
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tool overview